Hear More. Be Happy.
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Do you have hearing loss?
Take this quiz and find out.
Many people struggle with hearing loss for years before they even realize it, leaving them frustrated and disconnected. If you think this might be you or a loved one, take this quiz to find out.
Ready to hear better?
You’re making the right choice to do something about hearing loss.
Studies show that hearing loss can adversely affect all areas of life, so improving your hearing is an important part of keeping your mind and body in shape. Just think — what could happen if your hearing improved?

Ready to hear better?
Frequently Asked Questions about Hearing Loss
How can I tell if I have hearing loss?
Hearing loss can develop over time without any pain, making it easy to go unnoticed. Friends, family and coworkers will often notice it before you do.
If you think you have hearing loss, take the quiz at the top of this page, but know that this is just a short quiz and to really evaluate your hearing you should schedule a hearing test. If the online hearing quiz indicates you have hearing loss, come visit us for a professional test to see if hearing aids might help.
Who is qualified to treat hearing loss?
Audiologists have a master’s or doctorate degree in audiology and specialize in evaluating and treating hearing loss and other issues related to the ear.
Hearing Instrument Specialists are professionals specializing in fitting and dispensing hearing aids. Hearing Instrument Specialists undergo extensive educational and clinical training and are often state-licensed and board-certified to test for hearing loss and fit hearing aids.
Otolaryngologists have a medical degree and can diagnose and treat ear, nose, throat, head, and neck disorders. Otolaryngologists are often called ENTs.
How will hearing aids improve my hearing?
Most types of permanent hearing loss are because the nerve cells have become permanently damaged either by loud noise, lack of circulation, or other health issues. While this kind of hearing loss can’t be cured, it can be treated using hearing aids. Hearing aids not only allow you to hear again, they have been proven to help stave off health issues such as dementia and depression.
Are hearing aids worth It?
Well, that depends. If you live alone in a bunker and don’t need to worry about hearing other people speak or if danger is around you, then you probably don’t need hearing aids. For everyone else on planet Earth, the answer is yes!
Hearing aids carry a lot of value beyond just being able to hear better again. Your overall quality of life can improve through the use of hearing aids. Hearing aids allow you to connect with loved ones and enjoy social activities much more since you won’t be struggling to hear conversations. Studies have also shown that untreated hearing loss is associated with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Getting hearing aids can help you stay social, which can improve your mood. More importantly, though, hearing aids appear to help prevent cognitive decline and even restore some cognitive function.
But if you want to stay mentally sharp, enjoy life, enjoy conversations, enjoy watching TV or movies, then hearing aids are an outstanding value.